FRAMECAD technology adopted for sustainable development

Written by The FRAMECAD Team | Dec 28, 2016 10:00:00 PM

LGS construction is again demonstrating its ideal suitability for use in sustainable development in developing countries. In Ghana, we see how LGS is involved in making assistance possible.

A recent agreement between a Ghanaian based telecommunications and engineering company, and a sustainable developer will relieve student accommodation shortages in Ghana - using FRAMECAD LGS technology.

The construction of the Takoradi Green Campus is what Royal Systems & Services Ltd (Ghanaian telecommunications) and Tiguri GmbH (Swiss based sustainable development company) are working towards. Over a 20-year period they will develop a 3,000-bed student village for the technical university, using FRAMECAD LGS technology.

This project is in response to a desperate need to house students, with reports that accommodation shortages are so critical some “have no choice other than to sleep in washrooms that have been converted into dormitories.”

The development needs to be fast, cost effective and accessible – all of which are qualities and capabilities of LGS - making it the ideal construction methodology of choice.

The existing school of engineering will become a Technical University of Engineering, housing additional science departments and resulting in 4,000 students moving to the new campus which will be built to welcome the increased number of students.  And this number is expected to double when the project is completely finished.

Tiguri’s vision is that “by 2030 they will have played a significant role in winning the fight against extreme poverty by developing Green Villages in their target markets together with local and international partners.” In doing so, they will use a model that allows them to make a sustainable profit while making an even larger social impact.