Al Jaber Prefab Factory

United Arab Emirates
We Build, Operate and Maintain (B.O.M) Economical, Fast Track, Turnkey solutions in the following fields:
- Prefabricated Temporary / Semi Permanent / Permanent Steel Frame Buildings, Modules of hot and cold rolled systems / Custom Designed Portable Buildings and Workshops.
- Camps and Site Office Facilities / Villas and Accommodation Complexes.
Steel Structure works, Ware Houses, Shelters and Water Tanks Fabrication and Installation. - Internal Furnishing Design and Décor Construction works
- World leading Service provider (Al Jaber Catering Services – Accommodation – Cleaning, Facility Management System)
- Sewerage Treatment Plants.
- Water Desalination and treatment Plants.
Al Jaber Prefab factory specializes in the Design, fabrication and Installation of:
- Caravans
- Labor Accommodation
- Family Accommodation
- Offices
- Steel Structure
- Accommodation Caravans
- Ablution Units
- Facility Buildings
- Steel Sheds
- Water Tanks
- Sewage Tanks
- Diesel Tanks
- Camp Furniture
Al Jaber Prefab Factory (AJPF) is a part of Al Jaber Group of Companies which is the largest local trading company in Abu Dhabi and has been established over 50 years achievement with 30+ companies and 50,000 Employees.