MONL Frames

South Africa
MONL Frames (Pty) Ltd is a prominent manufacturer and supplier of Light Steel Frames Systems Company based in South Africa. Located in Vereeniging, which is the South of the Gauteng province, the company has extensive operations beyond the province. As an innovative company incorporating emerging technologies of the future, MONL Frames (Pty) Ltd is set to be in its own league serving both the private and public sectors with particular-focus on large scale infrastructure development, constructing enviro-friendly buildings from light steel structures that are in line with SANS517. OUR VISION To shape and construct the future with Light Steel structural engineering. We aspire to be market leaders within the Light Steel Manufacturing sector by implementing innovative ideas, as well as helping to support the country’s drive to develop world class infrastructure.
Monl Frames pride itself of having created its own innovative building system “Monl Frames Building System” which is accredited by Agreement South Africa. Under the license number 2018/587 also we are the members of the following institutions, Green Building Council of South Africa, Southern African Light Steel Frame Building Association (SASFA), National Housing Broad Regulator Council, also we currently having a level 3 contributor to broad based black economic empowerment. Given the uniqueness of our innovative building technology (IBT), we have successfully completed projects that are classified under “Alternative Building Technology” (ABT) such as, Multi story buildings, Schools etc. With a local flair, MONL Frames (Pty) Ltd is actively pursuing strategies to grow the market share through provision of excellent service and development of market relevant product offerings.