Pre-engineered buildings (PEBs): A key part of construction landscape
By using a pre-engineered building your customers could take a fifth off the cost and two ...
Cold Formed Steel Framing: Defines The Speed Of Construction
Field Hospital - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates (UAE) Background COVID-19 has placed ...
Why CFS is a Premium Material for Solar Panel Mounting Structures
As global demand for solar power as an alternative energy option rises, it will be to the ...
Cold Formed Steel Framing: An Exceptionally Fast & Affordable Solution
Commercial Restaurant/Shed at Emirates Park Zoo - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates ...
Faster Design & Accuracy FRAMECAD® Detailer 5.1: CFS Design Software
Innovating for faster design speed and flexibility: FRAMECAD® Detailer 5.1 latest ...
Une construction plus rapide, plus précise et plus rentable - les avantages de la construction en acier profilé mince CFS – acier formé à froid
La charpente en acier préfabriquée est en passe de devenir la méthode de construction ...
New features for faster design and accuracy - CFS software releases
FRAMECAD is excited to announce our latest software updates: FRAMECAD® Structure 9.2.4 ...
Accélérez la construction de bâtiments de hauteur moyenne à l'aide d'acier formé à froid
C'est une idée fausse commune que seuls les bâtiments de faible hauteur jusqu'à deux ou ...
Why watching a webinar should be your go-to for FRAMECAD information
In this digital age, and particularly in the wake of COVID-19, many people have been ...
Lumber Challenges: Time for the Construction Industry to Consider Alternative
As the price of wood rises, more and more builders are considering cold formed steel ...
Breaking new ground in Ezeiza with Steel Tech Group
Steel Tech Group, Ezeiza, Buenos Aires For Steel Tech Group, Argentina’s leading ...
FRAMECAD F325iT-L: More options for walls, joists, trusses & pods
The FRAMECAD F325iT-L manufacturing system offers precision punching options for optimum ...