Join FRAMECAD at Myanbuild Tradeshow from 16 to 18 of November

The construction industry is set to become a major growth driver of Myanmarʼs economy. Residential real estate, particularly affordable housing will remain the chief engine of growth over the medium term.

The real estate sector is expected to maintain steady momentum in the coming years, on the back of further economic liberalisation and new opportunities in the retail, non-serviced apartment and affordable housing segments.

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Join FRAMECAD at Alacero Colombia Tradeshow from 5 to 7 of November

El 2018 viene con perspectivas positivas para el sector de la construcción en Colombia. Según Camacol, este tendrá un crecimiento del 4,6%, casi el doble de la economía en su conjunto. La presidenta de Camacol, Sandra Forero Ramírez, indicó que el 2017 fue un año de recuperación lenta y pausada, lo que asegurará un mejor panorama para el 2018.

“Esperamos iniciar el año con la construcción de 150 mil unidades de vivienda, lo que significa un incremento aproximado del 4,6%. Las proyecciones se presentaron en el “Foro Económico sectorial”, llevado a cabo en el Hotel Intercontinental de Medellín, donde se reunieron más de 500 empresarios y líderes del sector constructor del país. El mismo panorama se avizora en toda Latinoamérica.

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Join FRAMECAD at EuroBLECH Tradeshow from 23rd to 26th of October

Recent reports have stated European construction is growing well on the back of low interest rates, good economic growth and pent-up needs. Economic growth is expected to remain solid, unemployment will decrease as the cost of skilled labour increases, and the confidence of consumers, business and industry in the future is high.

Highly-skilled professionals are becoming scarce, 95% of contractors have serious problems finding skilled workforce for their projects. The significant shortage of skilled labor is one of the biggest challenges that the construction industry is battling against.

As a result, there is need for a methodology that enables fast, accurate and superior construction. Techniques need to keep up with demand and assembled with an available workforce.

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Join FRAMECAD at Metalcon Tradeshow from 10th to 12th of October

Dedicated to performance and providing the construction market with the most relevant solutions; FRAMECAD is proud to announce H515 UL Fire Rated Assembly for Cold Formed Steel Web Joist Flooring Systems. Suitable for use in mid-rise buildings, multi-family residential, mix-use residential and commercial buildings wherever a 2-hour fire rating is required.

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Join FRAMECAD at Cape Construction Expo 2018, stand No.322 from 12th to 13th September

The South African government has recently announced an investment of R940billion into the South African infrastructure contributing to the compound annual rate (CAGR) of 1.5% over the next four years.

CEO of Inyatsi Construction Group Holdings, Tommy Strydom, predicts that in 2018, the South African construction industry will continue embracing cost-saving measures in order to remain competitive, this however will also be met with an issue in the availability of skilled labour.

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